PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

When NOT To Use "WHERE"

I've seen a number of scripts that look like this:  GET-XXXX | Where {$_.name -eq "foo"}  or GET-XXXX | Where {$_.name -like "A*"} Whenever you see code like this, it is a sign that the GET-XXXX is not designed correctly.   (NOTE:  GET-XXXX is NOT a porn retrieval cmdlet - it is a standin for any GET-<...

All About Modules

One of the coolest new features of Windows PowerShell is PowerShell modules.  I've just written a tutorial about how to use them on my personal blog. You can check out the full post for more details, but here are some easy things to remember about modules: The module examples also include a few PowerShell ...