PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Editing your Profile file

$hay has a new scripting blog at http://scriptolog.blogspot.com/ .  His first blog entry Restart your engine - The PowerShell Way, talks about how he frequently edits his PowerShell profile file and then restarts his session.  In his directions he says: 2: type: Notepad $profile to open your profile file I looked at this and...

Windows PowerShell in Action

Well folks, at long last, my book is almost done :-) (image) Before it goes out for print, you can get electronic copies through Manning's early access program: http://www.manning.com/payette/  The early access program is a chance for readers to provide feedback on a book so the author can fix things.  As Jeffrey says - enjoy...


In my blog entry regarding Cascading Type Casts ( http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2006/07/15/Cascading_Type_Casts.aspx ) there was an example: PS> [string][char[]][int[]][char[]]"PowerShell" P o w e r S h e l l And in a comment was a question asking why there were spaces between the letters.  The answer is $OFS   ...

Perserving Command History Across Sessions

<Edited 7/2/2006 to add tags and Categories> Ben Winzenz didn't like the fact that Windows PowerShell did not maintain history lists between sessions (http://winzenz.blogspot.com/2006/06/cool-mshpowershell-tidbit.html) .   We hear you Ben.  Back to my least favorite phrase, "to ship is to choose".  That said, we ...

Cleaning up obsolete Windows PowerShell Aliases

Over the course of time, I've written a number of functions & cmdlets and then created aliases for those.  Many of those where Ad Hoc and I've since thrown them away but I still have the aliases sticking around.  Here is a quick and easy way to determine the validity of your aliases gal |%{if (!(gcm $_.Definition -ea ...