Showing results for eBook - PowerShell Team

Sep 23, 2008

Free Windows PowerShell ebook (Now In Italian)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Efran Cobisi has published an Italian version of Frank Koch's very popular PowerShell ebook .  You can download the Italian version HERE or go to the Windows PowerShell Italian Community website and pick it up in the Tutorial section.  It looks like there is some great stuff there - I wish I had learned Italian. :-)  Enj...

Feb 28, 2008

Frank's At It Again: Another Free PowerShell Book

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Frank Koch is an Infrastructure Architect in the Technet team in Switzerland.  In THIS blog entry, I talked about how Frank wrote a very popular Windows PowerShell book and made it available FREE (aahhhh - there is that magical word again! :-)).  Needless to say, he had a lot of downloads. Motivated by that success, and his love of Power...

Feb 2, 2007

Processing text, files and XML

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Manning Press was generous enough to put another chapter of Bruce Payette's Book PowerShell in Action book online. Presumably you'll read it and become convinced that you must buy the book in its entirety. Whatever the motivation – we all get a great free chapter on Processing text, files and XML. I was honored to be offered the opportunity of wr...
