Showing results for 2011 - Page 2 of 3 - PowerShell Team

Jul 19, 2011

PowerShell Deep Dive Registration Info & Call for Session Proposals

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Here’s some more info on the 2nd PowerShell Deep Dive that will be at TEC Europe 2011 in Frankfurt on October 17 & 18. Registration Info Registration is now open for the PowerShell Deep Dive! The cheaper registration fee of 850 Euros is available until August 12. After that, registration will go up to 1000 Euros. To sign up: Event S...

PowerShell Deep Dive
Jul 12, 2011

PowerShell Deep Dive @ The Experts Conference Europe 2011

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Based upon the excellent reviews received at the first PowerShell Deep Dive, we're pleased to announce a PowerShell Deep Dive will be coming to The Experts Conference 2011 in Germany. The PowerShell Deep Dive provides a deep technical and strategic engagement within the PowerShell Community. Attendees interact one-on-one with presenters, team me...

PowerShell Deep Dive
Jun 3, 2011

Invoke-Expression considered harmful

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The PowerShell team frequently gets questions that start out “how do I get the quoting right for…” and the answer turns out to usually be – there is a simpler way – don’t use Invoke-Expression. The problem arises when trying to run some command external to PowerShell.  Some common reasons people try Invoke-...

May 16, 2011

Download the Updated Core Help CHM

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The best way to get updated help for Windows PowerShell core commands is to type "Get-Help –Online <cmdletname>," but that works only when you're online and your firewall permits Internet access. For all of those other times, there's the new Windows PowerShell 2.0 Core Help – May 2011 Update in CHM format. The newly released CHM ...

Apr 28, 2011

PowerShell at TechEd 2011

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

  We’re just a couple weeks away from TechEd (May 16-19) and there’s going to be a ton of great PowerShell content again this year! Kirk Munro just made a post over at Poshoholic with an easy-to-read list of all the PowerShell related sessions for the conference. Thanks to Kirk for his effort in compiling all of this in a single place. Link...

Apr 22, 2011

Keeping Help Helpful: Use -Online and Redirectable Links

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

When you refer to Windows PowerShell help topics, such as in tools and blog posts, be sure to refer to the most recent version of the help topics. Few things are less helpful or more confusing than sending a reader to a topic that is missing a parameter or includes an example that doesn't work. To be sure that yo...

Get-HelpHelp file
Apr 15, 2011

PowerShell Language now licensed under the Community Promise

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The PowerShell team is excited to announce that starting today we are licensing the language specification for Windows PowerShell 2.0 under the Microsoft Community Promise. This means that now anyone can implement PowerShell on any platform they want to.  We know some of our most passionate customers sometimes work on platforms that can’...

Apr 14, 2011

Using Get-WinEvent –FilterXml to process Windows Events

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Introduction Windows Events can be extremely useful for debugging. Administrators often use events to diagnose problems in complex systems. However, Event Viewer is time-consuming and difficult to automate. Luckily, there is a simple way to fully automate the process. The FilterXml Parameter The FilterXml parameter allows you use a simple XML d...

Apr 4, 2011

Scaling and Queuing PowerShell Background Jobs

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

A couple of months ago I had asked the PowerShell MVPs for suggestions on blog topics. Karl Prosser, one of our awesome MVPs, brought up the topic of scaling and queuing background jobs. The scenario is familiar: You have a file containing a bunch of input that you want to process and you don’t want to overburden your computer by starting up ...

PowerShell V2CommunityHowTo
Mar 30, 2011

Only 2 days left to save $1000 on PowerShell Deep Dive registration

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

There are still a few seats open for the first ever PowerShell Deep Dive Conference and tomorrow is the last day of cheap registration! In case you haven’t already been doing it, now would be a good time to start camping out in your boss’ office begging him/her for the money and time off. Register today or tomorrow for only $850. The pr...

Jeffrey SnoverCommunityPowerShell Deep Dive