Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

Just released V1.0 of our DDD NLayered Architecture Guide/Book and Sample-App (Free eBook)

[UPDATED - April 2017] - IMPORTANT:  For up-to-date architecture and development guidance using .NET (i.e. .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Docker containers, etc.) including Domain-Driven Design patterns, microservices architectures and other .NET related technologies like Xamarin for mobile apps check this landing page pointing to multiple NEW ...

The future of Silverlight! See SILVERLIGHT FIRESTARTER on Dec. 2nd!!

(image) There was quite a lot of buzz after PDC talking about HTML5 vs. Silverlight and wondering what will be Silverlight’s future. Well, here we have it. There’s gonna be a single event just for that, to have it clear. I strongly believe that Silverlight is here to stay. It is much more powerful than HTML5 (from UX design and also ...

Follow PDC10 on-line!!

This is going to be the first time where anybody will be able to follow the whole PDC (all sessions) on-line!. Follow PDC on-line from this URL: http://player.microsoftpdc.com/session?refid=73401 Also, here you can see about this new PDC on-line experience: https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/The+Knowledge+Chamber/PDC10-and-the-new-Online-...

Recorded PEX & MOLES Workshop

(image) Last summer (July 2010) we delivered in Madrid a nice PEX & MOLES workshop. The speaker was Peli de Halleux, from MICROSOFT RESEARCH. If you are interested in Unit Testing, Mocking, etc., you should take a look at it! It was a great workshop and we recorded it, so now we just published it on Channel9. Here you have the links...

Developing and Deploying Java-Tomcat apps into Windows Azure

(image) As you may know, Windows Azure is a multi-platform environment, so we can run many other languages/platforms other than .NET, like Java, PHP, Ruby, etc., and even using a whole Web-AppServer like Apache Tomcat, a DBMS like MySQL, and using IDEs like ECLIPSE. You can get more info about this here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure...