Showing results for .NET Core - Cesar de la Torre

May 6, 2019

What is ML.NET 1.0 – Machine Learning for .NET

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Today, coinciding with //BUILD 2019/ conference, we’re thrilled by launching ML.NET 1.0 release! You can read the official ML.NET 1.0 release announcement Blog Post here and get started at the ML.NET site here. In this blog post I'm providing quite a few additional technical details along with my personal vision that you might find interesti...

May 15, 2018

Designing and implementing API Gateways with Ocelot in .NET Core containers and microservices architectures

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

We're currently evolving the .NET microservices guidance and eShopOnContainers reference application. One of the most important topics is about the API Gateway pattern, why it is interesting for many microservice-based applications but also, how you can implement it in a .NET Core based microservice application with a deployment based on Docker con...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreMicroservices
Feb 7, 2018

Microsoft eBook gratuito en Español: “Microservicios .NET – Arquitectura para aplicaciones .NET contenerizadas” – Docker, .NET Core, Kubernetes, Service Fabric, Azure.

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Las arquitecturas basadas en Microservicios están emergiendo actualmente como opciones apropiadas para aplicaciones distribuidas de misión crítica. En una arquitectura basada en microservicios, la aplicación se construye basada en una colección de servicios que deben ser desarrollados, probados, versionados y desplegados en producción, de fo...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreDocker
Nov 18, 2017

Implementing background tasks in .NET Core 2.x webapps or microservices with IHostedService and the BackgroundService class

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Background tasks and scheduled jobs are something you might need to implement, eventually, in a microservice based application or in any kind of application. The difference when using a microservices architecture is that you can implement a single microservice process/container for hosting these background tasks so you can scale it down/up as you n...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreIHostedService
Nov 18, 2016

Summary of Microsoft Docker Images for .NET Core and .NET Framework

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Even when these official images are still evolving, I think that a summary about the multiple Microsoft Docker images for .NET available at Docker Hub would be a “nice to have” thing. This blog post is related to my previous blog post on “Docker containers – Should I use .NET Core or .NET Framework?”, however I’m drilling down here into the specif...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreDocker
Nov 16, 2016

Docker containers – Should I use .NET Core or .NET Framework?

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

The short answer is: “For Docker containers, use .NET Core whenever is possible”. But, below is a summary decision table depending on your architecture or application type and the server operating system you are targeting for your Docker containers. Take into account that if you are targeting Linux containers you will need Linux based Docker hos...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreDocker
Sep 26, 2016

.NET, Cloud and Mobile Events in Argentina and Chile – Content

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Last week (Sept. 19-22 2016) I delivered a similar event in Buenos Aires and in Santiago the Chile, afterwards. Here I post the agenda I delivered, a few pictures about it plus the decks I used about it. Morning Event – Developing microservices in the Cloud with .NET, Docker and Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Related technologies: - Microsoft .N...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreDocker
Jun 28, 2016

Running .NET Core apps on multiple frameworks and What the Target Framework Monikers (TFMs) are about

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

In .NET Core 1.0 apps (either ASP.NET Core apps or Console apps, as of today) there are new possibilities like being able to run your app (like an ASP.NET Core app) on top of the .NET Core Platform or on top of the traditional .NET Framework 4.5.x which is critical for many enterprise apps that still might not have all the libraries/components com...

.NET Core
Jun 27, 2016

.NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin – The “WHAT and WHEN to use it”

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

I’m writing this blog post about “.NET end-to-end” now that we just released the .NET Core Platform 1.0 RTM, so it’s clear “who is who” and “when to use what”. It’s a long post but I think it’s good to have available a single post about .NET end-to-end. .NET is nowadays a development-platform running across many OS-platforms such as Windows, Lin...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreXamarin
Nov 18, 2014

What is .NET Core 5 and ASP.NET 5 within .NET 2015 Preview

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

(UPDATE - Nov.2016) - Note that .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core 5 were temporal brandings while .NET Core was in beta. Its final branding was .NET Core 1.0 and ASP.NET Core 1.0 when released in June 2016, due to the big shift or "reset/modernization" in .NET Core compared to .NET 4.x. --- Last week, on Nov. 12th at the Visual Studio Connect(); event, it ...