Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

DDD-Exchange 2011

So, it was such a great event with Eric Evans, Udi Dahan and Greg Young. Here I post a few pictures I got. Before starting: (image) (image) Eric Evans presenting the Agenda: (image) Q&A to Eric, Udi and Greg: (image) Saying hello to Udi: (image) Strong discussions below… (image) (image) All in all, I really liked all the ...

Working with WCF RIA Services JSON endpoints for HTML5, JavaScript & JQuery

  WCF RIA Services and JSON endpoints Interesting posts about the base for many future apps based on HTML5, WCF RIA Services JSON endpoints and JavaScript : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davrous/archive/2010/12/14/how-to-open-a-wcf-ria-services-application-to-other-type-of-clients-the-json-endpoint-4-5.aspx http://www.yumasoft.com/node/108...