Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

Using “MUrl” – A textual Oslo DSL for RESTful Clients

(image) “MUrl” is a textual DSL and runtime for interacting with REST/HTTP services. It is actually just a great Oslo-DSL sample, as you can download it (all its source code) from MSDN.com: http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/0/B/40B632EC-F201-43EE-8E29-C398A9DA8468/MUrlSample.msi As long as I know, “MUrl” has been mainly ...

Azure Metro Training in Madrid (16th April 2009) Material

Last week, we delivered a nice Azure training (One condensed full day about AZURE platform). Sorry, but everything is in Spanish (Agenda & Presentations), as we delivered it in Spanish. So, down below you can read the agenda and the Presentations are posted in my SKYDRIVE, as well: SKYDRIVE location (Presentations): http://cid-...