April 4th, 2018

New eBook on strengthening cybersecurity for the DoD

The rapid evolution of technology and the exploitation of data, machine intelligence, and on-demand computing power is changing the requirements of cybersecurity. Fortunately, the tools available to the DoD are changing, too.

Despite improvements in defensive capabilities, prevailing research still shows that, on average, it takes agencies more than 200 days to detect a significant breach. Destructive cyberattacks, insider threats, and third-party dependencies have become a real threat to critical infrastructure, supply chains, and, potentially, to life safety.

In the face of increasingly complex attack methods and the growing expense of attack clean-ups, agencies need to understand the value of working with a leading cloud security partner to protecting sensitive assets from cyberthreats.

What are the benefits of a leading cloud service provider?

  • Big data threat analysis. As many large cloud providers host millions of servers, they can offer more extensive advanced threat analysis and monitoring than any on-premises capability.
  • Secure facilities. Cloud service providers specialize in keeping data safe both physically through secure facilities and virtually through in-built encryption, retaining highly skilled personnel to do so.
  • Modern platforms. Cloud service providers continually update and patch their platforms, without effect on customer workloads.
  • Auditing. Cloud service providers subject their platforms to thorough and frequent auditing to protect against flaws in their security posture.

Learn more about the importance of choosing the right cloud security partner:


Strengthening cybersecurity for the Department of Defense (eBook)




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