April 5th, 2018

Mobile Apps Powered by Azure Government

Steve Michelotti
Principal Program Manager

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti sits down with Eric Egland and Andrew Ditmer of the Microsoft Global Black Belt team to discuss building mobile apps on Azure Government.

Have you ever wanted to get a mobile app up and running quickly but figured it would take way too much time and effort? Eric and Andrew demystify that notion by showing the Office Locator app which is an end-to-end quick start that can get you up and running quickly. Eric discusses the benefits of Xamarin for building native mobile apps, and Azure for powering backend services. Andrew shows the technologies in action with a complete demo of the Office Locator app running entirely on Azure Government.

If you’re interested in getting your agency running a mobile app quickly, this demo-heavy video is the one for you to watch!

Mobile Apps Powered by Azure Government (video)

Also, be sure to subscribe to the Microsoft Azure YouTube Channel to see the latest videos on the Azure Government playlist.


Steve Michelotti
Principal Program Manager


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