October 11th, 2017

Data Science Virtual Machines are now available on Azure Government Cloud

This post was co-authored by: Gopi Kumar, Principal Program Manager, AI and Research

For any questions, feel free to contact Gopi on Twitter: @zenlytix

We are happy to announce the availability of the Data Science Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure Government Cloud.

Microsoft’s Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) is a family of popular VM images published on Azure with a broad choice of machine learning, AI and data science tools. All the tools are pre-configured giving you a ready-to-use, on-demand, elastic environment in the cloud to help you perform data analytics and AI development productively. You focus less on IT administrative tasks and more on your data science with the DSVM.

The DSVM is offered on the Azure Government Cloud in both Windows Server 2016 as well as Linux (Ubuntu) edition. They can be deployed on either CPU based VM instances or on the Azure NC-Series VMs with Nvidia GPUs (Graphical Processing Units) to help rapidly train deep learning models on very large datasets. The DSVM has pre-installed GPU drivers, CUDA toolkit and several popular deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive toolkit, Keras, Caffe2, mxnet, Chainer you can use to productively build AI applications. There is a rich set of tools and libraries for Machine learning, data ingestion and exploration, connectivity to various Azure data services, Jupyter notebooks for browser based experimentation, development environment for languages like Python, R, C#, Java, nodejs. A full list of tools available on the DSVM can be found here.

We invite you to try out the Data Science VM on Azure for your next ML or AI project and training/education. You can engage with the development team and the growing DSVM user community on our forums.


DSVM Overview: http://aka.ms/dsvm/overview

DSVM Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/data-science-virtual-machine/dsvm-tools-overview

Deep Learning: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/data-science-virtual-machine/use-deep-learning-dsvm

Community Forum: http://aka.ms/dsvm/forum

Windows Server 2016 Edition

Documentation: http://aka.ms/dsvmdoc

Tutorial – Ten things you can do on the DSVM: http://aka.ms/dsvmtenthings

Linux (Ubuntu) Edition

Documentation: http://aka.ms/dsvm/ubuntu/docs

Tutorial: http://aka.ms/linuxwalkthrough



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