Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2018.07.27

For many of us in the northern hemisphere, things are really heating up — both the temperature and the move into DevOps in the cloud. This week we saw some great posts on DevOps adoption, including cloud migration, moving to VSTS from on-premises TFS, and modernizing workflows with Azure DevOps Projects. Add DevOps To Your Existing ...

What’s new in VSTS Sprint 137 Update

The Sprint 137 Update of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) has rolled out to all organizations. In this Update, both Microsoft-hosted Linux and macOS agents, as well as Azure DevOps Projects are now generally available. Watch the following video to learn about a few of the features, which also includes a demonstration of some of the ...

Adopting the word “organization”

In our interactions with users, we see a lot of confusion over the word account. Currently we use account to mean things like and things like To avoid this confusion, and to better align with the terminology of the broader developer and OSS community, we will be adopting the word organization...

Dashboard Updates Generally Available

We’re excited to announce updates to the new dashboard experience. This new experience lets you: It is now generally available for VSTS customers and coming to TFS in the next major version. Get to your dashboards fast We’ve updated the dashboard picker based on customers’ biggest piece of feedback: make it easy to ...

Protecting our users from the ESLint NPM package breach

On the 12th of July 2018, malicious code was detected in two popular open-source NPM packages, eslint-scope (version 3.7.2) and eslint-config-eslint (version 5.0.2). As a result, developers who downloaded and installed these packages may have had credentials stored in their .npmrc file compromised. This may include credentials required to ...