Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Create Azure DevOps Management Reports

When managing any sized organization, there is always the question of how to track and review your existing policies on every single project. There is a solution that can query your exiting projects and provide management reports for a multitude of reports. Using this tool can help you assess and manage all of the projects in your Azure DevOps...

Track the progress of work using Rollup columns

How is our Feature progressing? As simple and common as this question is, it’s a hard one to answer. Especially if your Feature is complex and is composed of multiple User Stories and Tasks. With Sprint 157 Update you will be able to answer this using Rollup in Azure Boards backlog view. What is rollup? Rollup is an aggregation displayed ...

Get insights into your team’s health with Azure Boards Reports

You can’t fix what you can’t see. That’s why high executing teams want to keep a close eye on the state and health of their work processes. Now its easier for teams to track important metrics with minimal effort right inside Azure Boards. Introducing three new reports to Azure Boards: Sprint Burndown, Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD), Velocity.