August 3rd, 2018

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2018.08.03

Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

It’s Friday, which means I get to kick back and catch up on all the news coming out of the Microsoft DevOps community. There’s a bunch of great blog posts about DevOps, plus a new episode of the Radio TFS podcast and a new training class from one of our MVPs. Here’s some of the top stories:

Experiences migrating TFS XML Team Project Templates to Inherited Team Project Templates The process customization experience in VSTS is light years ahead of the old, XML-based process customization experience in on-premises TFS. Thankfully, you can convert your old TFS process templates to the new inherited customization model in VSTS. Richard Fennell explains how to use the new migration experience.

DevOps with Dynamics 365 using VSTS Every project and every developer should benefit from a modern DevOps workflow. Wes McDonald shows you how to set up a workflow for CRM projects, introducing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) for Dynamics.

Using VSTS for Your Company’s Private PowerShell Library Many developers and operations teams are building custom PowerShell modules and scripts for their organization. Thankfully, VSTS makes it easy to support private, internal feeds for these PowerShell modules within your company. Justin Rice just set up his private PowerShell feed in VSTS and was kind enough to document the process in this blog post.

DevOps for the Database with VSTS and Azure Our friend and MVP, Brian Randall, just launched a new training course on Lynda to teach best practices for Database DevOps with VSTS and Azure. The database is critical to a proper DevOps workflow, and Brian shows you how to make sure that you have a continuous integration and continuous deployment setup that enables your workflow.

Radio TFS: DevOps DevOps with Wouter de Kort and Henry Been Greg Duncan and Gordon Beeming bring another episode of Radio TFS – the podcast about Visual Studio Team Services and DevOps on the Microsoft platform. They talk about project configuration, build agent queues, creating custom SonarQube rules and more.

A Build and Release pipeline in VSTS for Docker and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) If you’re a .NET developer, there’s never been a better time to look at containers and Kubernetes to orchestrate them. Marco De Sanctis shows you how to deploy an ASP.NET Core app as a Docker image, upload the image into Azure Container Registry, and then deploy the image with Azure Kubernetes Service.


Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

Edward Thomson is a Program Manager for Azure DevOps, where he ensures that customers are successful with Git, CI/CD and DevOps concepts. Before becoming a Program Manager, he was a Software Engineer at GitHub and Microsoft working on Git tools.


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