Showing results for June 2021 - Azure DevOps Blog

Jun 25, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.06.25

Jay Gordon
Jay Gordon

Welcome to this week's roundup of content from the Azure DevOps community. We've got plenty of new content to cover! Be sure all your posts you'd like included in future editions of the top stories are tagged with #AzureDevOps!

Azure & CloudCommunity
Jun 23, 2021

DevOps Dojo – Experiential Learning

DevOps Dojo
DevOps Dojo

Dojos at Microsoft learn DevOps through Experiential Learning. To embrace the DevOps culture of experimentation, we various experiments in DevOps learning, it includes learning from experts and peers, self-learning, learning through teaching, writing, and playing, learning through pairing, and learned how to unlearn and relearn.

Jun 21, 2021

AzureFunBytes – @Azure Data Factory Security with @narainabhishek

Jay Gordon
Jay Gordon

This is part two of our series on Azure Data Factory. Last time Mark helped get us on the road to understanding how to best get our data into the cloud by using the linked services and tools with Azure Data Factory. Data Factory contains a series of interconnected systems that provide a complete end-to-end platform for data engineers.

Azure & CloudDevOps
Jun 15, 2021

June patches for Azure DevOps Server

Gloridel Morales
Gloridel Morales

For the June patches, we are releasing fixes that impact our self-hosted product, Azure DevOps Server. Check out the blog post for more details.

Azure DevOps ServerPatches
Jun 14, 2021

AzureFunBytes – Intro to Azure Data Factory with @KromerBigData

Jay Gordon
Jay Gordon

This week on AzureFunBytes, I am joined by Principal Program Manager, Mark Kromer about how to store and process our big data with Azure Data Factory. Mark will discuss the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process that gets our data into Azure Data Factory. I ask Mark how can we transfer the data we might have to Azure?

Azure & Cloud
Jun 10, 2021

AzureFunBytes Presents: Migrating Your Data – Create Your Cosmos DB

Jay Gordon
Jay Gordon

Databases are complex beasts from an operational standpoint. There are a number of tasks that in the past had been laid at the feet of people known as Ops or DBA. Those tasks typically involve scaling your database servers, handling performance, ensuring backups, and monitoring. Let’s not forget licensing for your Enterprise database server.

Azure & Cloud