Showing results for 2009 - Cesar de la Torre

Oct 22, 2009

Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0 Training Kit available for download

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

So, it’s been released an updated version of the Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0 Training Kit, compatible with the new VS.2010 BETA2. Here is the URL:

.NET 4.0Visual Studio 2010
Oct 5, 2009

My new Architecture Journal Article!!: “Model-Driven-SOA with ‘OSLO’”

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Cool!. I just got published my article regarding Model-Driven-SOA with ‘OSLO’, in ‘The Architecture Journal’. :-) You can see it here: Or you can download the whole Magazine from this URL:

Sep 27, 2009

Architect Forum XXIV – RIA Architecture, ‘Silverlight 3.0’ & ‘.NET RIA Services’

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Architect Forum XXIV – RIA Architecture, ‘Silverlight 3.0’ & ‘.NET RIA Services’ Here I post some info & Presentations about the Architect Forum we delivered last week in Madrid (Sept. 23rd). All presentations are in Spanish:

SilverlightRIA Services
Aug 28, 2009

Using VSTS 2010 Beta1 Team Explorer and TFS in CODEPLEX

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

I'm actually setting up an environment around that (VSTS 2010 Beta1 Team Explorer and TFS in CODEPLEX), and there is a problem when trying to connect your VSTS.2010 client to the TFS in CODEPLEX. But there's a workaround you can follow here: (Thanks Aaron)

CodePlexVSTS 2010
Aug 14, 2009

How To Install Windows 7 From a bootable USB Drive

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

  I just wanna have this "How to" in my blog, even for myself. :-) What you need: Step 1 - Formatting the Drive Using the command prompt, we'll use the diskpart utility. [BTW: This will erase all data on your USB drive] Step 2: Make the Drive Bootable  Next we’ll use the bootsect ...

Jul 1, 2009

Workshop “Oslo” introduction: The Future about Model Driven Development (June 30th 2009)

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

  One more event!. Yesterday we delivered a nice workshop regarding Model Driven Development and “OSLO”. I talked most about MDD/MDE (Model Driven Development/Engineering), Model Drive SOA, how can be the future regarding MDD implemented with “OSLO”. Key points, risks, and long term goals and then how could everything be mapped ...

Microsoft Events SpeakerOslo
Jun 24, 2009

WCF Load Test tool

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

It’s been just released a few days ago to Codeplex: WCF Load Test. It looks pretty nice! :-) Project Description This tool takes a WCF trace file and a WCF client proxy, or a WCF interface contract, and generates a unit test that replays the same sequence of calls found in the trace file. The code generated is easily modifiable so that data ...

Jun 17, 2009

Architect Forum XXIII – VSTS.2010 & Tools for Architects (Madrid & Barcelona)

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Architects Forum XXIII - Visual Studio Team System 2010 & Tools for Software Architects Here I post some info & Presentations about the Forums we just delivered in Madrid (May 28th) & Barcelona (June 16th):

Jun 14, 2009

RIA Services (Alexandria) roadmap

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Dinesh Kulkarni has written a nice post about RIA Services (Alexandria) roadmap: So, RIA Services milestones are: - July 2009 CTP  - PDC 2009 Beta (November)  - First part of 2010: RTW (Like .NET 4.0) Another key point is that we might provide support for .NET 3.5 SP1 in the ...

SilverlightRIA ServicesAlexandria
Jun 2, 2009

Our event: ‘Biztalk Server 2009 news, ESB 2.0 Guidance & WCF LOB SDK Event’ content

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Today, we just run a Workshop regarding Biztalk Server 2009 news, ESB 2.0 Guidance & WCF LOB SDK. I post the presentations here, so any attendee can get it. You can grab it from the following SKYDRIVE:

Microsoft Events SpeakerWCF LOB AdaptersBiztalk Server