We challenged our Azure Government DC user community to share 12-minute demos for this month’s Meetup, Cloud DemoPalooza – Azure Gov Style, to showcase cool tech to help accelerate your cloud implementation.
Be sure to RSVP and join us for our Azure Gov DC Meetup on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 6 – 8:30 p.m., at 1776 in Washington, DC, to get an inside scoop on what’s moving the needle in government technology today. Please come prepared for engaging Q&A as we encourage interactive demos and dialogue.
We received tremendous response to our DemoPalooza. Check out the demo rockstars already lined up:
Director, Federal Group,
Head of Technical Operations
Frame Public Sector
Principal OpenShift Solutions Architect
Lead Dev Evangelist
This event is free and open to the public. Please help spread the word by inviting your colleagues and connections to also RSVP and join us for an evening filled with demos, excellent networking opportunities, and refreshments!