December 5th, 2017

Conquering the Upfront Cost Barrier to IoT

Karina Homme
Senior Director

According to a recent report from the International Data Center (IDC), How government organizations look at IoT, the top three roadblocks to IoT deployment are upfront costs, security, and privacy.[1] 

Over 30 billion devices are estimated to be connected to the internet by 2020.[2] The Internet of Things (IoT) can offer government agencies new and innovative ways to connect to the citizens they serve.

This is why more and more government agencies are adopting IoT initiatives as part of their cloud strategy. Of those agencies that have already adopted cloud, 82% of them plan to increase cloud spending this year.[3] By folding IoT into their cloud strategy, CIOs can begin to plan for IoT costs up front.

IoT, as a technology, is by nature constantly collecting data. In order to manage costs associated with IoT data storage, CIOs can leverage cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure Government, which can be more cost effective than building and maintaining on-site data storage.

Getting past barriers to IoT deployment can take a lot of work, but CIOs need to be taking the steps necessary to bring IoT capabilities into their agencies. IoT and cloud platforms can launch agencies into the modern era of digital problem solving. With advanced data analytics, new ways of connecting to citizens, and superior security capabilities, IoT via cloud platforms is the way for CIOs to drive digital transformation for their respective agencies.

To learn more about how government agencies are overcoming common barriers to IoT deployment, see the image below and read IDC’s recent report, How government organizations look at IoT.

[1] IDC: How Government Organizations Are Looking at IoT | Apr 2017 | Doc #US42464217

[2] IDC: How Government Organizations Are Looking at IoT | Apr 2017 | Doc #US42464217



Karina Homme
Senior Director

As senior director for Microsoft Azure Government, Karina is the federal market lead and liaison between the US Federal Ecosystem & Microsoft Azure Engineering. She works closely with a wide range of executive stakeholders to understand US government needs, remove cloud adoption blockers and ensure Microsoft’s Government Cloud roadmap meets agency missions. As an advocate for government, Karina supports cloud adoption in federal civilian agencies.


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