Showing results for Visual Studio Enterprise - Visual Studio Blog

Mar 14, 2023

Visual Studio 2022 v17.6 Preview 2 is now available

Marian Luparu
Marian Luparu

Preview 2 for Visual Studio 17.6 is now available! If you are a game developer, a mobile developer, or are interested in learning new tricks to better debug your code, check out this latest release. It’s as easy as upgrading your Preview channel in the Visual Studio installer. And if you haven’t activated your Preview channel for Visual Studio y...

.NETDebugging and DiagnosticsC++
Dec 11, 2018

New Benefits in Visual Studio Subscriptions

Lan Kaim
Lan Kaim

With CAST Highlight, Visual Studio Enterprise subscribers can rapidly scan their application source code to identify the cloud readiness of their applications for migration to Microsoft Azure and monitor progress of their app both during and after a migration. Visual Studio Enterprise subscribers are eligible for two 90-day free licenses to the ful...

Visual Studio SubscriptionsVisual Studio EnterpriseCAST