Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Visual Studio 11 User Interface Updates Coming in RC

With the release of Visual Studio 11 Beta back in February of this year, we introduced changes to the user experience based on two core design principles, the first being to give you more space for your content and the second being to draw more focus to that content. Since the debut of these changes there’s been significant community ...

Improving Find & Replace in Visual Studio 11 Beta

In our previous blog post, we introduced the new Find control we are building in Visual Studio.  Our goal was to streamline and modernize the vast array of Find experiences and provide a lightweight mechanism to search within documents. With the huge number of responses we received from the Developer Preview, we knew that our top priority for...

JavaScript Debugging Enhancements

Visual Studio 11 Beta introduces a first class JavaScript development experience and provides a rich toolset for developing Windows Metro style apps. Debugging is a crucial part of that toolset. In this post I am going to focus on just some of the new scenarios and enhancements we’ve added to JavaScript debugging experience for this release...

Improving how we update Visual Studio

A common piece of feedback we’ve gotten is to make it easier to find and acquire bug fixes and updates – basically, how we can bring more improvements to more customers, more promptly, and more easily. As you can imagine, there are many factors to balance here, ranging from the kinds of updates we should offer, how frequently we should ...

Round-tripping with Visual Studio 11

About two years ago we wrote a blog post entitled Why does Visual Studio 2010 convert my projects? One of the strong pieces of feedback we received was that you wanted to be able to work on your projects using both the current and previous version of VS. We are delighted to announce that Visual Studio 11 will allow you to easily round-trip ...

The Visual Studio 11 Beta Survey is Live!

It’s been just 3 weeks since we released Visual Studio 11 Beta, and we’d like to hear what you think! Let us know your impressions by taking the Visual Studio 11 Beta survey.We do these surveys with most of our releases, and they help us gauge how we are doing with core areas such as performance, reliability, and quality. In this ...

Visual Studio 11 Beta Performance Part #3

Welcome back to the 3rd and final part of the Visual Studio 11 Beta Performance series. This week’s topic is Debugging. As I mentioned in the 1st post debugging is a key component in your continuous interaction with Visual Studio and we heard from you that the compile, edit and debug cycle had hiccups and was sluggish. I would like to ...

Visual Studio 11 Beta Performance Part #2

Welcome back to part 2 of the Visual Studio 11 Beta Performance series.  This week’s topic is Solution Load.  We received a great deal of feedback from you clearly telling us that it takes too long to get into your code when loading solutions.  I would like to introduce Nathan Halstead, from the Visual Studio Pro Team, whose information ...

Visual Studio 11 Beta Performance Part #1

Following the //Build conference last year I posted “Addressing Visual Studio Performance” to gather your feedback on Visual Studio performance and to discuss with you those areas you felt were important for us to improve. Next, I posted “An update on Visual Studio Performance” about some of the work we are doing and promised you a set...

Visual Studio 11 Beta Available Now!

Today, we're excited to announce that Visual Studio 11 Beta is now available for download. Back in September, we announced the release of Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview and detailed the simplification efforts we made across the IDE, integration of the best and most popular features from the Productivity Power Tools and effort to improve...