Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Preview of Visual Studio Kubernetes Tools

Kubernetes is an open source system that is quickly emerging as the preferred container orchestration system for applications of all shapes and sizes, simplifying the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers. It runs in a variety of environments, including on premises as well as in cloud providers, such as Microsoft’s ...

What’s Next for Visual Studio

Since we launched Visual Studio 2017 in March of that year, it has become our most popular Visual Studio release ever. Your feedback has helped our team publish seven updates since our initial GA, which have improved solution load performance, build performance, and unit test discovery performance. We’ve also made Visual Studio 2017 our most...

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8 Preview 2

We're happy to share the highlights of the latest Visual Studio 2017 preview, which is now available for download, including - Emulator and Designer improvements when developing mobile Android apps, Xamarin.Android support of Android P Developer Preview 1, C++ development improvements, ability to fine-tune solution load configuration settings to maximize performance, significant new functionality in the CPU Usage tool to help you profile your applications’ performance, improvements to make it easier to build and debug extensions.

New Updates for Azure Development in Visual Studio

With Microsoft Build 2018 in the books, we just released a series of updates to Visual Studio for Azure Development. This improves productivity and security for developers building and diagnosing web applications, containers and microservices. To help you make the most of these new advancements for developing in the Azure cloud, we've compiled...

Snapshots on Exceptions while debugging with IntelliTrace

Have you ever encountered an exception in your application while debugging, and wanted to know exactly what the state of the app was at that point in time? With a new feature in IntelliTrace, you can! Learn how to use IntelliTrace's new snapshots on exceptions feature, which enables you to go back to a previous exception event and see the state of the application at the time the exception was thrown.

Improving the responsiveness of critical scenarios by updating auto load behavior for extensions

The Visual Studio team partners with extension authors to provide a productive development environment for users, who rely on a rich ecosystem of quality extensions. Today, we're introducing an update to extension auto load based on feedback from our community of developers, who need to quickly start Visual Studio and load their solution while...

Visual Studio and Unity 2018.1, even better together

The Visual Studio team is excited about the Unity 2018.1 release: It's the start of a new release cycle packed with great new features like the Scriptable Render Pipeline and the C# Job System. You can read the full blog post by Unity for all the details on what’s new in the 2018.1 release. First and foremost, we're thrilled Unity chose ...