PIX on Windows

Performance tuning and debugging for DirectX 12 games on Windows

PIX 2407.17-preview: Mesh Nodes in Work Graphs

Today we released PIX version 2407.17-preview, which can be downloaded here. This release has initial support for the exciting new Mesh Nodes in Work Graphs feature that was released in a preview DirectX Agility SDK today. Please visit this blog post for more information about the Agility SDK release. 2407.17-preview is a preview version of...

PIX 2405.15: Agility SDK 1.614 support and misc bug fixes

Today we released PIX version 2405.15, which can be downloaded here. This release has a handful of bug fixes and also adds support for the Direct3D 12 Agility SDK version 1.614. Notably this SDK adds support for the 999e5 texture format. You can find download links and more information about the Agility SDK here...

Open sourcing the WinPixEventRuntime under MIT

The WinPixEventRuntime has been open sourced on GitHub under the MIT license! This includes the pix3.h headers (and friends), the code needed to build WinPixEventRuntime.dll, the code needed to decode PIX events, and a wide range of unit tests. The WinPixEventRuntime NuGet package has also switched to the MIT license. We hope this will make...

PIX 2312.08: misc bug fixes and improvements

Today we released PIX version 2312.08, which can be downloaded here. This fixes a lot of issues reported to us since our last major PIX release (version 2310.30, details here). Thank you all for reporting these issues. Please keep sending feedback to us through the usual ways, such as emailing us at askwinpix@microsoft.com or contacting us ...

PIX 2310.30: a faster PIX with many raytracing + other improvements

Today we released PIX version 2310.30, which can be downloaded here. We also released WinPixEventRuntime version 2310.30, which can be downloaded here. This release includes many new features and improvements along several key themes: Thank you for all of your feedback and suggestions, and please them coming! The best ways ...

PIX 2306.21-preview: Work Graphs support

Today we released PIX on Windows version 2306.21-preview, which can be downloaded here. This release includes initial debugging and profiling support for an exciting new D3D12 feature announced today: Work Graphs. You can read more about Work Graphs here. You can find information about which GPUs support Work Graphs (and other ...

PIX 2305.10: support for updated RenderPasses + misc other improvements

Today we released a new version of PIX on Windows: version 2305.10. It can be downloaded here: link.  This release includes support for the latest DirectX Agility SDK features, such as the updated RenderPasses and minor Vulkan compatibility features. The release also includes fixes for several bugs that were impacting PIX 2303.30. &...

PIX 2303.30: Misc bug fixes + preview GPU Upload heap support 

Today we released two versions of PIX on Windows: version 2303.30 and version 2303.30.002-preview. Both can be downloaded here: link.  If you’re using today’s new preview D3D12 features (GPU Upload Heaps or Non-normalized Sampling) then we recommend that you use PIX 2303.30.002-preview to debug and profile your application.  For ...