PIX on Windows

Performance tuning and debugging for DirectX 12 games on Windows

PIX CPU Tools: Populating the Range Details view

The most common way to populate the Range Details view in the new implementation of PIX Timing Captures is to drag select a range of time in the Timeline using the mouse.  When you complete your selection, Range Details is populated with the data from all Thread and Core lanes for the range of time you selected.  After Range Details is ...

PIX CPU Tools: Graphing PIXReportCounter values in the Metrics View

The Metrics view in New Timing Captures allows you to graph the duration of PIX CPU events and any counter values that are reported using the PIXReportCounter API.  Graphing event durations is fairly discoverable in the UI, but I think it's less well-known that counter values can be graphed as well. Annotating your title with calls to ...

PIX CPU Tools Reboot!

A few weeks ago we released a version of PIX that includes a Preview release of a new implementation of Timing Captures.  This release represents a significant reboot of our CPU performance tools in PIX. We've gotten a lot of feedback over the last few years about how our CPU tools in PIX compare with other AAA game-focused profiling tools...