Showing results for Windows Phone - OData

Oct 31, 2012

How to update existing Windows Phone 7 OData applications to work with the new client tools

DB Blogs
DB Blogs

OData Client Tools for Windows Phone Apps is recently released to add support for consuming OData v3 services. You may  already have a Windows Phone 7.1 application that consumes OData  and want to update it to work with OData V3 services using the new Windows Phone SDK 8.0 and OData Client Tools for Windows Phone Apps. In this short po...

OData V3How ToWindows Phone
May 17, 2011

Accessing an OData Media Resource Stream from a Windows Phone 7 Application (Streaming Provider Series-Part 3)

DB Blogs
DB Blogs

In this third post in the series on implementing a streaming data provider, we show how to use the OData client library for Windows Phone 7 to asynchronously access binary data exposed by an Open Data Protocol (OData) feed. We also show how to asynchronously upload binary data to the data service. This Windows Phone sample is the asynchronous equiv...

ODataWCF Data ServicesMedia Resource