Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

AzureFunBytes – Intro to Azure Policy with Steven Murawski

Each week on AzureFunBytes, we try to introduce you to the technology, tools, processes, and practices that make up the fundamentals of Azure. One of the real goals we strive for is to cover all the subjects and make sure you're able to implement the tech and concepts presented. One of the people who's really come to help me with this is ...

Azure Friday: Best practices for Azure Container Instances (ACI) with GitHub Actions

What are Azure Container Instances? Azure Container Instances (ACI) allow for a quick, simple, and cost effective way to run serverless containers in production. ACI is a GA (generally available) service for hosting serverless containerized workloads​, including ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines, serverless batch jobs, and API ...

Change in Azure Pipelines Grant for Private Projects

Azure Pipelines has been offering free CI/CD to customers since the beginning. This allows people trying out Azure DevOps to use nearly all our features, including Microsoft-hosted agents, without having to pay us anything. We offer 1800 free minutes per month on hosted agents to all projects, and 10 parallel jobs to open source projects. ...

On Prem To the Cloud: Everything As Code (Ep 4)

And we are back! Now that Abel and Damian have shown us how to build a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for the application and database, we've gained a bit of time back in our calendar (those manual deploys were taking a lot of time since our dev team got all Agile on us...). Jay helped Abel migrate the application...

Learn Live – Scale your cloud resources with elasticity

One of the best parts of being an Azure Cloud Advocate is the community interaction with people just getting their feet wet in the world of tech. I was recently asked to take part in the Learn Live series of live streams to help people take their first steps in understanding why elasticity makes the cloud move. All of these sessions are based ...

DevOps Fireside Chats Feb 2021 – Infrastructure as Code

Azure DevOps Fireside Chats is an opportunity to talk with DevOps professionals about a different subject every month. In February we discussed Infrastructure as Code (IaC). IaC helps codify your IT solutions allowing you to specify everything you need in a declarative manner. Watch a conversation between April Edwards, Jay Gordon, Steven ...