March 19th, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.03.19

Zachary Deptawa
Cloud Advocate

Happy Friday everyone! The weather here in South Texas has been all over the place lately, but the community blog posts are tracking just fine! In this week’s top stories, we’ve got posts that cover many great topics ranging from on-prem Kubernetes deployments on Azure Stack Hub to writing your own Azure DevOps Extension. Check them out!

Deploying Kubernetes Applications on Azure Stack Hub
Do you use Azure Stack Hub? Alex walks us through deploying Kubernetes on an Azure Stack Hub via an Azure DevOps Pipeline.

Configuring your personal Azure DevOps organization for Azure Synapse Studio Git integration
Configuring your personal Azure DevOps organization for Azure Synapse Studio Git integration can be kind of tricky. No worries though, Kevin has us covered with just how to do that in this detailed post.

How to setup CI CD pipelines for Android with Azure DevOps
This post is full of awesome detail by Arjav – it covers the entire process of setting up a CI/CD pipeline for Android with Azure DevOps.

How to Create an Azure DevOps Extension – Getting Started
Azure DevOps is loaded with tasks that are commonly used, but what if you need something a little more custom? Corné shows us how to create our own custom extension and how to get it published on the marketplace!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Zachary Deptawa
Cloud Advocate

Zachary is a Cloud Advocate at Microsoft with a focus on Linux (yes, really). Before that, he's played roles from monitoring technician to system administrator and professional services consultant to solutions architect at startups (Sprout Social, ClearDATA) and larger orgs (Rackspace, Amazon Web Services). These days, he advocates for awesome developer and operations experiences through talks, docs, and code. In his spare time, you can find him gigging with his bands, hanging out with his ...

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  • Venkatesha Rao

    Thanks for this Top stories. The last post garbed my attention ‘How to Create an Azure DevOps Extension – Getting Started’ and seems to be more related to adding tasks extensions. What I am interested in is that i would like to submit new menu extension for all the pipeline that has run (we have currently retain, Delete, Custom Completed build Action. as part of this i would like to add new menu item for example, ‘Archive’ in that list. So you have any suggestion to create such extentions?

    • Zachary DeptawaMicrosoft employee Author

      Thanks for the question – unfortunately, I’m not sure how you can accomplish this. If you don’t mind, please tweet to @AzureDevOps with this question to see if we can find someone who may be able to assist!