March 12th, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.03.12

Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate

Happy Friday! It’s March in Wisconsin and most of the snow has melted away, uncovering a number of blog posts on interesting topics. We’ve got lots of infrastructure as code this week, including Terraform and ARM. There’s also a series on moving to the cloud and going multi-region that should provide you with some good reading.

Building Azure AD B2C custom policies part 2: Azure DevOps automated build and deployment
I keep finding new and interesting things that can be deployed and managed by our CD processes. Joonas brings us an example of how to build and deploy Azure AD B2C policies.

How Azure can help your company expand in multiple regions (1 of 5)
Ivan has put together a series of posts on taking an on-premises application and moving it to Azure and providing a multi-region experience.

Why Infrastructure as Code (IaC) ?
I’ve been talking about infrastructure as code a lot lately. Thomas provides a great explanation of infrastructure as code and the benefits it provides.

A Safe IaC CI/CD Terraform Pipeline with Azure DevOps
Tony shows us a complete infrastructure as code pipeline using Terraform with approvals.

Let’s Do DevOps: Building an Azure DevOps-based ARM CI/CD for Azure Cloud
Kyler keeps the infrastructure as code train rolling with a post about using ARM to deploy infrastructure from Azure DevOps.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate

Steven Murawski is a Principal Cloud Advocate focused on Cloud Native Open Source. Steven is a founding member of the League of Extraordinary Cloud DevOps Advocates). Steven has worked on both the Dev and Ops sides of the house, most recently as a Principal Engineer at Chef, building tools for operating applications and infrastructure at scale and velocity.


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