Showing results for August 2017 - Xamarin Blog

Aug 29, 2017

Share More Code with .NET Standard 2.0

James Montemagno
James Montemagno

There are several great ways to share code between applications and to create libraries to share with the world. With more and more platforms supporting C# and .NET, a new type of library, which we call .NET Standard libraries, was created to simplify development for all developers.

DevelopersXamarin Platform
Aug 24, 2017

Fast & Simple Android Location Updates with Google Play services

James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Starting an Android application that relies on device location can be overwhelming. The classic way of getting location is with Android's core APIs, which have been around for a very long time and can be confusing to use. To simplify this process, we developed the Geolocator plugin, ...

Aug 18, 2017

Native Android Facebook Authentication with Azure App Service

James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Authenticationis critical to applications success. Look at your app, and I bet the very first things that your users will do is sign up or log in to their account. This will probably, in turn, leverage some form of social authentication. Each social authentication provider is a little bit different, and some, such as Facebook, offer a native SDK to...
