Xamarin Blog

An open source mobile platform for building Android, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps with .NET.

Xamarin Podcast: XAML Hot Reload Is Out! 🔥🔄

Keeping up with the latest in .NET, C#, Xamarin, and Azure is easier than ever. Co-hosts Matt Soucoup and James Montemagno cover a range of topics relevant to Xamarin developers from designing mobile apps to identity management. This month’s episode recaps of all the announcements from The Xamarin Developer Summit – including XAML Hot Reload!

Recapping Xamarin Developer Summit

The first-ever Xamarin Developer Summit has come to a close. The Xamarin team had an action-packed two days of announcements, talks, and hanging out with our community in Houston! Here is a recap of some of the most important pieces you may have missed if you weren’t able to join in person or watch through the live streams.

Xamarin Developer Summit Live Streams!

Xamarin Developer Summit is a two-day conference in Houston, TX. USA packed with TONS of amazing sessions and workshops for Xamarin developers. Don't worry if you aren’t able to attend in person, enjoy the conference remotely through our Xamarin Live broadcasts! Learn more...