Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Visual Studio “15” Preview Now Available

At Build 2016 we shared a preview of the next version of Visual Studio, which we call Visual Studio “15” (not to be confused with Visual Studio 2015). The download is available here. This is a Preview and is unsupported, so please refrain from installing it on your production environments. This preview lays a lot of groundwork for vNext...

Write once and deploy to Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Azure Stack from Visual Studio

The Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview gives enterprises the ability to deliver Azure applications and services from their own datacenters. Today, we're happy to share that we've built Azure Stack support into Visual Studio's Azure Resource Group deployment process. Enterprises today must manage both hyper-scale web applications and ...

Visual Studio Update 1 RTM

Today we’re releasing Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. Let me be the first to thank everyone who installed these earlier releases, provided feedback, and helped us iron out the kinks. [The final release of Team Foundation Server Update 1 is also available today, which you can read about on Brian Harry's blog.] I’ve already shared...

Visual Studio Update 1 RC

Today we released Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC, which builds on the Update 1 CTP we released three weeks ago. In addition to the features introduced in the CTP as described here, the Release Candidate includes the following: (image) (image)   For a complete list of features in Update 1 RC and ...

Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 1 RC 1

Today we’ve released Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 1 RC 1 (Release Candidate 1). This is the newest version of Team Foundation Server (TFS), the collaboration platform at the core of Microsoft's application lifecycle management (ALM) solution.  There are many feature updates in this update. Here’s a short ...

Visual Studio 2015 FAQ

Since we released Visual Studio 2015 on July 20th we’ve been busily answering questions on our forums, here on the blog, on Connect, and on StackOverflow. Here are some of the common questions. Install / Setup Licensing / Purchase Tools / Features Install / Setup 1. Why is my setup taking so...

The Visual Studio Partner Ecosystem

One of the unique values Visual Studio provides is that over and above the built-in features we have a multitude of extensions to address various niche development scenarios. These extensions are provided by our strong partner ecosystem. The Visual Studio Partner Ecosystem is the strongest it has ever been in the history of Visual Studio. This...

Visual Studio 2015 Diagnostics Investments

When we wrapped up the last release of Visual Studio, I wrote a blog post titled: Visual Studio 2013 Diagnostics Investments, which gathered all the links to our blog posts and other content into a single place. It seems fitting to do the same now that VS2015 has RTM’d, and the same intro I wrote last time applies, so I won’t ...

Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 Released

[UPDATED 8/7] The final release of TFS 2015 is now available. Brian Harry's post highlights some key capabilities like Agile Project Management, Continuous Delivery, Git improvements, and Extensibility. He also has links for download and release notes.  [UPDATED 7/29] Windows 10, Tools for Windows 10, and Windows 10 support in ...