Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

PyCon 2015 in review

A couple weeks ago we headed off to PyCon 2015. If you missed PyCon, there is another opportunity to come see us. PyData Seattle is hosted at Microsoft’s Redmond campus in July 24-26. The call for proposals and early-bird registration are still open, so if you’re a data scientist using Python or simply interested in learning about ...

Using RequireJS with Visual Studio

As applications become richer and more complex, it becomes important to structure code so that it’s easy to refactor components independently. To understand how one piece of code depends upon another, developers turn to the best practices of modularity and encapsulation to structure code as a collection of small, reusable parts. ...

Visual Studio Partners with Unity, Unreal, and Cocos2d Game Engines

A moment ago, Soma blogged that today we’re announcing that Visual Studio has partnerships with three of the top gaming engine providers: Unity Technologies (creators of Unity3D), Epic Games (creators of Unreal), and Chukong Technologies (creators of Cocos2d). The gist of the partnerships is that these three gaming platforms will provide...

PyCon 2015: April 8-16

(image) Many Visual Studio blog readers probably don’t know that Visual Studio has great support for Python or that Azure Machine Learning lets you write in Python, and I’m betting even fewer of you know that our Python Tools team is heading to PyCon Montreal. We’ll be there to hang out with other people who love Python as ...

Top News from March 2015

It’s a pattern only if you see it happen at least twice, so here is our second post in the monthly top news series. This month again we looked at various content across the developer sphere and bring you what we think are some of the top stories. We hope you find this list useful and interesting; and of course we welcome your feedback...