Microsoft Developer Blogs

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FCM v1 SDK preview program

We are excited to announce that core capabilities for the integration of Azure Notification Hubs (ANH) with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) v1 SDKs are ready for testing. As a reminder, Google will stop supporting FCM Legacy HTTP on June 20, 2024, so you will need to migrate your applications and notification payloads to the new format before ...

Meet the First Round of Speakers for Microsoft JDConf 2024: Where Java, Cloud, and AI Come Together

We are excited to announce the initial lineup of speakers for Microsoft JDConf 2024, the highly anticipated virtual Java developer conference. This event, scheduled for March 27-28, 2024, will bring together the realms of Java, Cloud, and AI. JDConf is poised to be a center for the latest in technology, offering opportunities for all ...

Building AI-powered Microsoft Copilot with SignalR and other open-source tools

Microsoft Copilot is powered by several open-source tools, such as SignalR, Adaptive Cards, Markdown, and object-basin to solve the unique challenges in building AI-enabled applications at scale. In this article, we share the design considerations and how we integrated various tools with a focus on how we stream messages and responses to the front-end UI while giving some overview of what happens on the server-side.

Testing the MSVC Compiler Backend

This post provides a behind-the-scenes look at how we test MSVC's backend, which is responsible for optimization and code generation. Many people worldwide use our compiler and expect it to provide a high-quality experience in terms of correctness (compiled code behaves as written), performance (speed of the compiled code), and throughput (...

In the Debugger's Spotlight: A Year in Review

Reflecting on the past year's journey, our team was on a mission to enhance debugging tools, ensuring they became more efficient and user-friendly. We dedicated our efforts to boosting inner-loop productivity, making external source debugging more seamless, improving overall performance, and optimizing memory analysis. And, of course, we were ...