Microsoft Developer Blogs

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What’s New in vcpkg (January 2024)

This blog post summarizes changes to the vcpkg package manager as part of the 2024.01.12 release and changes to vcpkg documentation throughout January. This month’s vcpkg release was mainly minor bug fixes, while several new documentation articles were added. Some stats for this period:   vcpkg changelog (...

Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Beta

Today we are excited to announce the availability of TypeScript 5.4 Beta. To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: Here's a quick list of what's new in TypeScript 5.4! Preserved Narrowing in Closures Following Last Assignments TypeScript can usually figure...

使用 SortableJS 组件的 Blazor 可排序列表 

本篇翻译于Burke Holland的Sortable Lists for Blazor using a SortableJS Component   在Web 应用程序中,一个常见功能部分是可排序列表。SortableJS是我最喜欢的 JavaScript 库之一,在进行 Blazor 开发时我很想念它。为了解决这个问题,我决定包装 SortableJS 库,使其成为 Blazor...

New Boards Hub Update, January 2024

In our fall update, we acknowledged the necessity to pause the rollout of New Boards Hub. Our focus was on enhancing its quality, performance, accessibility, and addressing an long list of bugs and issues. We're pleased with the progress achieved in the past few months and want to highlight a few key points as we prepare to make New Boards Hub...