January 31st, 2024

FCM v1 SDK preview program

We are excited to announce that core capabilities for the integration of Azure Notification Hubs (ANH) with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) v1 SDKs are ready for testing. As a reminder, Google will stop supporting FCM Legacy HTTP on June 20, 2024, so you will need to migrate your applications and notification payloads to the new format before then. All methods of onboarding will be ready for migration March 1, 2024.

To help you with this transition, we are inviting you to join our preview program and test the FCM v1 onboarding process for SDKs in February. This will give you early access to the new features and capabilities, as well as the opportunity to provide feedback and report any issues.

If you are interested in joining the preview program, please contact NotificationSvcsPM@microsoft.com with your company name, subscription ID, namespace name, usage patterns ((what send types you use, whether you use ANH to store registrations) and a link/identifier to the SDK you are using by Feb 9, 2024. We will send you an email with instructions on how to onboard to FCM v1 using the SDKs. You will also receive a link to our documentation and support channels.

We appreciate your collaboration and support as we work to improve the ANH service and provide you with the best possible experience.


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  • Lucas Saudon

    Will the “Azure/azure-notificationhubs-android” and “Azure/azure-notificationhubs-ios” projects be updated?