
Create and consume RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way

API versioning extension with ASP.NET Core OData 8

Introduction API versioning can help evolving our APIs without changing or breaking the existing API services. URL segment, request header, and query string are three ways to achieve API versioning in ASP.NET Core application. ASP.NET Core OData 8, built upon ASP.NET Core, has the built-in API versioning functionality via route URL prefix ...

Attribute Routing in ASP.NET Core OData 8.0 RC

Introduction Attribute routing is how Web API matches the incoming HTTP requests to an action based on route template attributes decorated on controller or action. ASP.NET Core defines a set of route template attributes to enable attribute routing, such as RouteAttribute, HttpGetAttribute etc. ASP.NET Core OData 8.0 RC supports these ...

OData Connected Service 0.12.0 Release

OData Connected Service 0.12.0 has been released on the Visual Studio Marketplace. This release includes the following changes:   Restored default settings Some default options were inadvertently changed in a previous update, leading to default options that do not make sense for the majority of use cases. We have ...

Passing OData Query Options in the Request Body

The query options part of an OData URL can be quite long, potentially exceeding the maximum length of URLs supported by components involved in transmitting or processing the request. HTTP does not impose any limits on the length of a URL, however, many hosting environments (including IIS) impose limitations which may restrict the client's ...

ASP.NET Core OData 8.0 Preview for .NET 5

Recently, OData team released the 8.0.0 preview version of ASP.NET Core OData on nuget.org. It is the first version of OData supporting .NET 5, especially for ASP.NET Core 5. This version includes some breaking changes, such as model builder separation, namespace changes and configuration changes etc. Most importantly, the routing mechanism is...

Dynamic properties container property in OData Client

When working with open types in an OData service, dynamic properties are held in a container property of type . However, support for a similar container property has traditionally been absent in OData client. For this reason, dynamic properties returned from an OData service could only be mapped to declared properties on the client backing ...

All in One with OData $Batch

Introduction We talked in the past about some of the most powerful features OData has to offer such as shaping, filtering and ordering your data all within your API request. But with an API GET request you can only do so much before you reach the maximum length of a URL which is a standard limitation. For instance, let's assume we are ...