
Create and consume RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way

ADO.NET Data Services Framework Beta 1 is Live!

We are very excited to announce that .NET 3.5 SP1 Beta 1 and Visual Studio 2008  SP1 Beta 1 are now available!  This beta marks the entry of the ADO.NET Data Services Framework as well as the ADO.NET Entity Framework as part of the overall .NET/Visual Studio product and will be the final beta before the RTM of both technologies. ...

Using REST Services in Silverlight 2

We have received a lot of feedback over the past few weeks asking when will be update the Silverlight library for data services. I thought I'd put up a short post to update everyone on where we are at and what our thinking is.... I'll start by saying we are targeting Beta 2 of the Silverlight SDK (no dates to announce for this just yet) to ...

Optimistic Concurrency & Data Services

Different applications have different requirements around consistency and how concurrent modifications are handled. I’ll oversimplify and put all these applications in two buckets: either you care about controlling concurrent changes or you don’t. If you’re creating a REST interface to your data and don’t care about concurrency (e.g. ...

Astoria Online Service –> SQL Server Data Services

Around a year ago in the Mix 2007 conference we announced Project Astoria, an overall initiative to understand how data is used on the web and what frameworks, tools and services could we create to enable new and better applications in this space. Several things resulted from that effort already. One of these results is a unified pattern for ...

IUpdatable & ADO.NET Data Services Framework

Astoria service allows reading/querying of data via the already-established IQueryable interface – this helps in abstracting Astoria from the underlying data source. But there is no existing interface for the update operations (CUD – create, update, delete operations). Hence we came up with IUpdatable interface to support CUD operations ...

Batching Data Service Requests

We have received a fair amount of feedback regarding a number of use cases where it would be beneficial to enable a client of a data service to “batch” up a group of operations and send them to the data service in a single HTTP request.  This reduces the number of roundtrips to the data service for apps that need to make numerous ...

Looking for feedback: query caching in data services

(sorry, tricky problem -> long write-up) One of the few things pending in the server library of the ADO.NET Data Services Framework is query caching to help with performance. Here is a brief explanation of why we needed and a couple of design options. Feedback is welcome. Query processing in Astoria To give a little bit of context, let ...

Program Manager openings in Data Programmability

We’re gearing up for the next release of the .NET Framework, and we are looking for people that have a passion for building great frameworks to help with the effort.  Since we’ve shipped the .NET Framework 3.5 we’ve been working on projects like the ADO.NET Data Services Framework (aka Astoria) and LINQ to XML support in...

MIX08 is almost here…

Its been a year since Pablo first announced Project Astoria at MIX 07.  Since then we've started from scratch and build a production version of the product which is now known as the ADO.NET Data Services Framework.  At the MIX conference this time around we'll have a bunch of sessions to talk about how the ADO.NET Data Services ...