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Jul 5, 2018

Satellite Images Segmentation and Sustainable Farming

Olga Liakhovich
Olga Liakhovich

Can Machine Learning help with detecting sustainable farming practices? In this blog post inspired by our collaboration with Land O'Lakes we share the lessons we learned in the image segmentation space.

Machine Learning
Jun 1, 2018

Building a Private Ethereum Consortium

Jason Poon
Jason Poon

Over the past two years, Microsoft and Webjet have collaborated to build a blockchain-based solution, Rezchain, to help travel companies reduce payment disputes. In this code story, we’ll share the lessons learned in creating the Rezchain consortium. In particular, we'll focus on how we solved the challenges involved with enabling Ethereum nodes t...

May 17, 2018

Using Otsu’s method to generate data for training of deep learning image segmentation models

Clemens Wolff
Clemens Wolff

In this article, we introduce a technique to rapidly pre-label training data for image segmentation models such that annotators no longer have to painstakingly hand-annotate every pixel of interest in an image. The approach is implemented in Python and OpenCV and extensible to any image segmentation task that aims to identify a subset of visually d...

Machine Learning
Mar 6, 2018

Sequence Intent Classification Using Hierarchical Attention Networks

Olga Liakhovich
Olga Liakhovich

We analyze how Hierarchical Attention Neural Networks could be helpful with malware detection and classification scenarios, demonstrating the usefulness of this approach for generic sequence intent analysis. The novelty of our approach is in applying techniques that are used to discover structure in a narrative text to data that describes the beha...

Machine Learning
Feb 26, 2018

Using a Private Ethereum Consortium Network to Store and Validate Documents

Ami Turgman
Ami Turgman

Food retailers in Germany are required to prove that their food is below thresholds for regulated substances, such as pesticides. Currently, producers must send their probes for these substances to laboratories and only receive their results days later. In the meantime, they must wait to find out whether they s
