Showing results for November 2015 - ISE Developer Blog

Nov 29, 2015

Neural Network Performance

CY Yam
CY Yam

In this code story, we explore how the topology of a deep neural network can affect the performance of a text-based classifier.

Machine Learning
Nov 29, 2015

Data preparation: The Balancing Act

CY Yam
CY Yam

In this code story, we consider how data preparation can impact the performance of a classifier, and how that may lead to a refinement of problem statement, i.e. the important question we are asking.

Machine Learning
Nov 2, 2015

Working with Spatial Data in Table Storage

Beat Schwegler
Beat Schwegler

Implementing spatial capabilities by mapping entities to unique grid numbers in large-scale cloud-based table storage, like Microsoft Azure Table Storage.

Big Data