Showing results for April 2017 - ISE Developer Blog

Apr 18, 2017

Continuous Delivery to Multi-Cloud Marketplaces

Mor Shemesh
Mor Shemesh

This code story describes how we collaborated with a partner to create a continuous delivery solution that runs on multiple cloud platforms using Jenkins.

DevOpsAzure App Services
Apr 10, 2017

Object Detection Using Microsoft CNTK

Nadav Bar
Nadav Bar

Creating an object detection model using Microsoft's open source deep learning framework CNTK and its implementation of Fast-RCNN.

Machine Learning
Apr 10, 2017

End to End Object Detection in a Box

Ari Bornstein
Ari Bornstein

Building a video tagging tool on top of CNTK to enable developers to create, review and iterate object detection models.

Machine Learning