Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

AzureFunBytes – DevOps on Azure with Donovan Brown

In this stream, Donovan Brown joins me to discuss the different methods of implementing DevOps on Microsoft Azure. We take a walk together through different workflows with GitHub Actions, Azure Web App Service, and more. Donovan helps me "rub some DevOps" on some deployment targets we'll spin up to ensure repeatable, reliable releases.

AzureFunBytes Short – Cloud Shell

The Azure Cloud Shell is one of my favorite things about using Azure. Many of the administrative tasks that I may have had to run from a local computer can now be done from a browser anywhere I can authenticate into my Azure account. I used to always worry about needing a computer that had a shell or a terminal program with my ssh key on it ...

Replacing “View YAML”

This sprint, we're replacing the "View YAML" experience. This is the feature which helps you migrate designer pipelines to YAML. The new version is more correct and covers more Classic Build features, which I'll cover in this post. It removes one useful quirk of the old implementation, so I'll share tips for anyone who depended on that quirk...

AzureFunBytes Short – Azure Containers (Kubernetes, Container Instances, More)

A container virtualizes the underlying OS and causes the containerized app to perceive that it has the OS—including CPU, memory, file storage, and network connections—all to itself. Because the differences in underlying OS and infrastructure are abstracted, as long as the base image is consistent, the container can be deployed and run anywhere