ISE Developer Blog

Observability Journey

As an Engineering team on Microsoft’s Commercial Software Engineering (CSE), we strive to empower customers to build and maintain their software-based solutions. A key factor in being successful in our goal is to educate and develop the solution by applying certain Engineering Fundamentals. In this article, we will cover Observability.

Entity Framework Journey

As an Engineering team on Microsoft’s Commercial Software Engineering (CSE), we strive to empower customers to build and maintain their software-based solutions. In this article, we will cover an aspect of our Engineering Fundamentals, DB change management using Entity Framework.

Continuous Integration and Deployment Journey

As an Engineering team on Microsoft’s Commercial Software Engineering (CSE), we strive to empower customers to build and maintain their software-based solutions. A key factor in being successful in our goal is to educate and develop the solution by applying certain Engineering Fundamentals. In this article, we will cover Continuous Integration

Re-Simulation in Automated Driving

Autonomous Driving is a competitive market with complex security and processing challenges. This article highlights how we met concerns and constraints when developing a cloud-based Autonomous Driving re-simulation solution.

Working with a Monorepo

In this blog post, we want to share a Microsoft manufacturing customer’s journey that started off by setting up with them the core piece for their software development: a monolithic repository — or monorepo for short.

Detecting “Action” and “Cut” in Archival Footage Using a Multi-model Computer Vision and Audio Approach with Azure Cognitive Services

Movies and TV shows require multiple takes per scene and may have a substantial amount of archival footage as a result. Here, we use Azure Cognitive Services and custom code to develop a multi-model Machine Learning (ML) solution to automatically detect discardable footage to save media companies manual archiving hours and storage space.