Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

Microsoft Platform Day – Developing LOB apps with Microsoft Platform (Milan June 13th, Madrid June 21st & Mexico city June 28th)

We are delivering the Microsoft Platform Day, “Developing LOB (Line Of Business) apps with the Microsoft Platform”, in Milan (Italy) on June 13th, Madrid (Spain) June 21st & Mexico city (Mexico) June 28th. Here I post a few pictures and also the URL to the presentations: Presentations: http://sdrv.ms/LX5FlN   (image)  ...

Creating a Windows 8 Release Preview Master VHD

You can install Windows 8 into a .VHD following a similar process (like this post I wrote) than when you install it on a raw hard drive, but if you want to have a clean master .vhd which is not related to any specific installation and machine name, and you want to re-use this master .vhd in many machines over time, then the following procedure...

Entity Framework Code First DbContext and SQL Azure Connection Fault Handling

(image)   (image) I’ve been working migrating an App to Windows Azure and SQL Azure. This app is using Entity Framework 4.3 Code First and DbContext. One important point is related to the SQL Azure Conection Fault Handling. If you don’t know about this topic, you can read this explanatory info: http://social.technet.microsoft...

Domain Driven Design (DDD) & Visual Studio 11 Beta ALM, great fit!

  Domain Driven Design (DDD) is especially suitable for creating long-term LOB Apps, but usually, DDD is presented as a very patterns & architecture related subject (topics like Bounded-Contexts, Domain-Models, patterns like Repository, Aggregate, Value-Object, etc.), like we actually did in our ‘DDD Patterns Guidance with .NET...

CQRS BUS and Windows Azure technologies

CQRS has several internal patterns and objects types like Commands, CommandHandlers, Events, EventHandlers, and a few others. In the following diagram I show a basic diagram positioning those topics: (image) I am not going to explain CQRS philosophy here, as you can read about it in many posts from Greg Young, Udi Dahan, Martin Fowler, etc...

Scoping CQRS and Event-Sourcing Guidance Project

I am collaborating with the patterns & practices team. We are considering doing a guidance project on implementing systems using the Command & Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) approach. This is not going to be a framework or reusable components. We are positioning this project as a learning journey and envision providing an ...