Showing results for 2017 - Cesar de la Torre

Nov 18, 2017

Implementing background tasks in .NET Core 2.x webapps or microservices with IHostedService and the BackgroundService class

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Background tasks and scheduled jobs are something you might need to implement, eventually, in a microservice based application or in any kind of application. The difference when using a microservices architecture is that you can implement a single microservice process/container for hosting these background tasks so you can scale it down/up as you n...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreIHostedService
Nov 2, 2017

Modernize, lift and shift, existing .NET apps with Windows Containers and Azure

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

************************** NOTE ************************ This blog post is a replica of the same blog post I just published at the official Microsoft .NET Blog, here: ******************************************************** As part...

Jul 27, 2017

Best-in-class Microservices and Domain-Driven Design conference and workshops in the U.S.!! Explore DDD 2017 (Denver, September 19-22, 2017)

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

  Explore DDD 2017 is a brand-new Domain-Driven Design (DDD)-centric conference, September 19-22 2017 at the Grand Hyatt hotel, in downtown Denver, Colorado, USA. I'm not directly related to this conference, but I wanted to provide some support/awareness because this type of quality events is fundamental for the development and software architect...

May 10, 2017

Free eBook/Guide on ‘.NET Microservices – Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications’

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

The microservices architecture is emerging as an important approach for distributed mission-critical applications. In a microservice-based architecture, the application is built on a collection of services that can be developed, tested, deployed, and versioned independently. In addition, enterprises are increasingly realizing cost savings, solving ...

Mar 23, 2017

Using Domain Events within a .NET Core Microservice

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

This blog post is related to the previous blog post named “Domain Events vs. Integration Events in Domain-Driven Design and microservices architectures” : Since I’m writing content related to “Microservices a...

Feb 7, 2017

Domain Events vs. Integration Events in Domain-Driven Design and microservices architectures

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

This blog post is about comparing several approaches of Domain Events vs. Integration Events patterns already published by the community. I might evolve this post depending on feedback and some implementations we’ll be doing in the short/medium term. So, feel free to discuss about it with comments at the end of this post. I’m open to variations. ...

DDDDomain EventsDomain-Driven Design
Jan 26, 2017

Comparing ASP.NET Core IoC container service lifetimes with Autofac IoC container instance scopes

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

In ASP.NET Core you can use the simple built-in IoC container or you can also plug any other more advanced IoC container like Autofac. When plugin an external container like Autofac, you can still use ASP.NET Core methods like services.AddTransient<> or services.AddSingleton<> or you can also use the more granular methods in Autofac ba...

ASP.NET CoreAutofacDI
Jan 21, 2017

Booting Windows 10 natively from a .VHDX drive file

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

This post is an update (using Windows 10 and a newer version of Convert-WindowsImage.ps1) of a similar post I had in my blog about booting natively from a .VHDX file: I’m also publishing this for my own records and folks asking me about it, as it ...

Windows 10