
Create and consume RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way

Simplifying our n-tier development platform: making 3 things 1 thing

As you’ve probably observed, we’ve been working hard over the past year or so to grow our application stacks to better support the types of applications (Silverlight, rich desktop, AJAX, etc) and services (SOAP, REST, etc) that are required to build modern, robust solutions.  At present, a few of the technologies we have to help in ...

Data Services Content @ PDC

PDC is done for another year.  We had a great time presenting and chatting everyone.  Thanks for all your thoughtful feedback!   If you didn't make it to all the data services PDC sessions.... First: Shame on you.  Second: Here is a summary (with links to recordings) of the data services focused sessions at PDC: &#...

See you at PDC

Technorati Tags: PDC2008 A few of us from the Astoria team will be at PDC this year.  If you are heading to the conference and want to chat about data services, drop us a note or we'll likely bump into you in the lounge / discussion areas. Below is a short video that talks about the data services sessions that will be at the conference...