April 17th, 2012

JSON Light Sample Payloads

We recently put together a document that contains some of our thinking about JSON light as well as a whole slew of sample payloads. We would love to hear any feedback you have on the format; you can comment in the accompanying OneNote.

We will be accepting public feedback on JSON light until May 4, 2012. We will also provide a preview release of the JSON light bits via NuGet for interested parties.

JSON light at-a-glance: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=0d23ed2816deea7b&resid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!966&parid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!106&authkey=!AAYCE2RUJccjhHk
Discussion: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=0d23ed2816deea7b&page=view&resid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!967&parid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!106&authkey=!ABdrv3heWfQFY4Y



Discussion are closed.