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Compat Note: Silverlight Beta 2 Client & .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Server Components

A few folks have asked about using the Silverlight Beta 2 client library against a data service created using the recently released .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 RTM bits.  In general, the Silverlight Beta 2 data services library was created to target the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Beta release of ADO.NET Data Services server side components. ...

RTM is here!

ADO.NET Data Services (aka “Project Astoria”) has Released!  Today marks the official RTM of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, and we are thrilled to announce the official RTM of the ADO.NET Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services. You can find more information and download SP1 at https://msdn....

Using the Uniform Interface Exposed By Data Services

In some of our past posts, we've discussed one of the benefits of data services is that the interface to such a service is uniform.  This means that how you interact with each service (issue a query, insert a new entity, etc) is the same across all services regardless of the schema being exposed.  This uniform interface leads to one ...

Astoria Content @ TechEd This Week

Are you at TechEd this week?  If so, we have a few Astoria related sessions going on.  If you are at the event and want to chat about Astoria, drop me a note or swing by one of the sessions:   6/4 8:30am-9:45am          ADO.NET Data Services for the Web (aka  "Project Astoria...

Securing Data Services

We have received a lot of questions lately about how to authenticate calls to an ADO.NET Data Service.  Mike Taulty has created a nice post outlining some of the options for authenticating calls to data services.  Check it out here: https://mtaulty.com/CommunityServer/blogs/mike_taultys_blog/archive/2008/05/27/10447.aspx   -Mike...

Merge vs. Replace Semantics for Update Operations

So far Astoria has used “merge” semantics for update. That is, an “update” operation (an HTTP PUT request) replaces the values of the properties for the target entity that are specified in the input payload; this applies both to properties and links. If a property or link is not present in a PUT operation, it means “leave it with its...

Interested in working on the ADO.NET Data Services Framework (aka “Astoria”) or XML?

Do you want to work on the next generation of data access APIs for the web?  If so, the Astoria and XML teams are hiring.  If you want to get a feel for the types of problems our team thinks about the solutions we build, check out the earlier posts on this blog as well as https://msdn.microsoft.com/data and http://msdn.microsoft.com...

ADO.NET Data Services Framework Beta 1 is Live!

We are very excited to announce that .NET 3.5 SP1 Beta 1 and Visual Studio 2008  SP1 Beta 1 are now available!  This beta marks the entry of the ADO.NET Data Services Framework as well as the ADO.NET Entity Framework as part of the overall .NET/Visual Studio product and will be the final beta before the RTM of both technologies. ...

Using REST Services in Silverlight 2

We have received a lot of feedback over the past few weeks asking when will be update the Silverlight library for data services. I thought I'd put up a short post to update everyone on where we are at and what our thinking is.... I'll start by saying we are targeting Beta 2 of the Silverlight SDK (no dates to announce for this just yet) to ...

Optimistic Concurrency & Data Services

Different applications have different requirements around consistency and how concurrent modifications are handled. I’ll oversimplify and put all these applications in two buckets: either you care about controlling concurrent changes or you don’t. If you’re creating a REST interface to your data and don’t care about concurrency (e.g. ...