April 14th, 2014

[Announcement] ODataLib 6.2.0 release

We are happy to announce that the ODL 6.2.0 is released and available on nuget along with the source code on codeplex (please read the git history for the v6.2.0 code info and allprevious version). Detailed release notes are listed below.

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug for parsing $it in UriParser.

Improved the JSON serialization performance for unindented format.

New Features

  • Model Enhancement: ODataLib & EdmLib now support complex type inheritance. A complex type can now inherit from another complex type by specify the baseType.
  • Model Enhancement: ODataLib & EdmLib now support open complex type. This feature allows clients to add properties dynamically to instances of this type. The added properties could be a primitive type, a complex type or as complex as an open collection type.
  • Client Enhancement: OData Client now supports property level change tracking for PATCH. If you turn on this feature, the client will only include the updated property in the PATCH payload. If you are building client with massive update, you will find this feature very useful.
  • Client Enhancement: OData Client supports overriding the property name in metadata in proxy classes. e.g. you can use lower-camel naming convention in your client talking to a Server in Pascal naming convention.
  • New APIs: ODataLib support generating ServiceDocument from EdmModel directly by an new extension method GenerateServiceDocument().

Known Issues

  • Type casting for complex type in $filter and $select is not supported.
  • Reading individual property of derived complex type directly by OData Client is not supported.

Call to Action

You and your team are highly welcomed to try out this new version if you are interested in the new features and fixes above. For any feature request, issue or idea please feel free to reach out to us at odatafeedback@microsoft.com.


The OData Team




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