Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Adding caching to Azure Pipelines

For a long while, Azure Pipelines users have been asking to improve performance on the hosted build agents by adding caching for common scenarios like package restore. The issue came up in a recent popular Hacker News item, so we wanted to share an update.

Getting started with Universal Packages

At the end of last sprint we flipped the switch on a new feature for Azure Artifacts called Universal Packages. With Universal Packages teams can store artifacts that don’t neatly fit into the other kinds of package types that we support. A Universal Package is just a collection of files that you’ve uploaded to our service and labelled with a name and version.

Package Management adds upstream source

Until now, we've focused on making Package Management in Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server the best place to store your private NuGet and npm packages, but we haven't focused as much on the packages you use from public sources like We've had basic support for as an "upstream source", but that's about ...

VSTS is now a Symbol Server

As far back as 2012, Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server users have been asking for a Symbol Server. Symbols are crucial to debugging Windows applications, esp. applications written in native languages like C and C++, because they map from the built binary back to the source code: the classes and functions needed to step ...

Using the latest NuGet in your build

NuGet (both the command-line tool and the accompanying tools built into Visual Studio) continues to iterate rapidly and add support for new .NET Core and .NET Standard target frameworks, among other improvements. Naturally, many users of Team Build in Visual Studio Team Services want to build those apps, and we've seen some support issues ...

Inside Visual Studio Team Services: Summer Interns and Package Management

Each month, we bring you the insiders view into Visual Studio Team Services - how the product is developed, how we dogfood it and use it every day, who are the people behind it and tips and tricks on becoming a power user This month, we interview our Explorer Interns - Aurélie Pluche, Tracy Tran and Madison Willcox. They're interning with ...

Versioning NuGet packages in a continuous delivery world: part 3

This is the third and final post in a series covering strategies for versioning a NuGet package. If you missed part 1 or part 2, you should read those first. Today’s post walks through a specific workflow that Git users could adopt, using a really powerful tool called GitVersion. GitVersion comes with some expectations about the layout of ...