Showing results for Microservices - Cesar de la Torre

May 15, 2018

Designing and implementing API Gateways with Ocelot in .NET Core containers and microservices architectures

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

We're currently evolving the .NET microservices guidance and eShopOnContainers reference application. One of the most important topics is about the API Gateway pattern, why it is interesting for many microservice-based applications but also, how you can implement it in a .NET Core based microservice application with a deployment based on Docker con...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreMicroservices
Feb 7, 2018

Microsoft eBook gratuito en Español: “Microservicios .NET – Arquitectura para aplicaciones .NET contenerizadas” – Docker, .NET Core, Kubernetes, Service Fabric, Azure.

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Las arquitecturas basadas en Microservicios están emergiendo actualmente como opciones apropiadas para aplicaciones distribuidas de misión crítica. En una arquitectura basada en microservicios, la aplicación se construye basada en una colección de servicios que deben ser desarrollados, probados, versionados y desplegados en producción, de fo...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreDocker
May 10, 2017

Free eBook/Guide on ‘.NET Microservices – Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications’

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

The microservices architecture is emerging as an important approach for distributed mission-critical applications. In a microservice-based architecture, the application is built on a collection of services that can be developed, tested, deployed, and versioned independently. In addition, enterprises are increasingly realizing cost savings, solving ...

Sep 26, 2016

.NET, Cloud and Mobile Events in Argentina and Chile – Content

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

Last week (Sept. 19-22 2016) I delivered a similar event in Buenos Aires and in Santiago the Chile, afterwards. Here I post the agenda I delivered, a few pictures about it plus the decks I used about it. Morning Event – Developing microservices in the Cloud with .NET, Docker and Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Related technologies: - Microsoft .N...

ASP.NET Core.NET CoreDocker
Dec 10, 2015

Azure Service Fabric and the Microservices Architecture – My new MSDN Magazine Article

Cesar De la Torre
Cesar De la Torre

  In the last weeks I wrote (with some great collaboration from Kunal Deep Singh and Vaclav Turecek) an MSDN magazine article that was published a few days ago, called Azure Service Fabric and the Microservices Architecture, in the December 2015 MSDNMag issue. Here's a brief abstract: Microservices is a hot buzzword at the moment. While ...

MicroservicesAzure Service Fabric