Showing results for June 2012 - Buck Hodges

Jun 8, 2012

Developer Division is running on TFS 2012 RC!

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

This past weekend we upgraded the TFS server used by the Developer Division and other teams who deliver Visual Studio 2012.  It is now running TFS 2012 RC! Back in the beginning, the DevDiv server was our dogfood server.  Then as all of the folks shipping products in Visual Studio, there were too many critical deadlines to be able to put...

Team Foundation ServerTFS 2012
Jun 7, 2012

How to customize the build summary page in TFS 2012 without a plug-in

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

Jason Prickett has been writing some great posts about the new features in Build for TFS 2012.  One of my favorites is the ability for you to add sections to the build summary page without having to write any plug-ins.  You just use the WriteCustomSummaryInformation activity in your workflow or make the equivalent OM calls from a workflow...

Team Foundation ServerTFS 2012
Jun 6, 2012

Visual Studio 2012 features enabled by using a TFS 2012 server

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

While many of the features in Visual Studio 2012 are available to users using TFS 2008 or 2010, there are some features that are only available when using a TFS 2012 server.  Also, the web experience in TFS 2012 has been rebuilt entirely from the ground up, and the result is a fast, fluid experience that also includes new experiences tailored ...

Team Foundation ServerTFS 2012
Jun 6, 2012

Team Explorer 2012 keyboard shortcuts

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

Team Explorer 2012 has the following keyboard shortcuts for the built-in pages.  We are adding some shortcuts within the pages for RTM.UPDATE 08/20/12:  The last seven shortcuts were added for RTM.Follow me at Tags: team foundation server,tfs 2012...

Team Foundation ServerTFS 2012
Jun 3, 2012

After upgrading: Updating licensing and enabling async checkout for server workspaces

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

The other day I wrote a post with a summary of links for upgrading team project settings to turn on all of the new features, such as code review, task board, and more. There are a couple more things I want to point out that you’ll want to tweak after the upgrade. First is licensing for the feature set.  The default setting is Standard.&...

Team Foundation ServerTFS 2012
Jun 1, 2012

Use the wizard to upgrade team projects in TFS 2012

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

As you’ve seen from Brian’s post and a bunch of others, Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server 2012 RC are now available.  One of the consistent pain points in upgrading from one version of TFS to the next has been in upgrading the process for a team project.  With TFS 2012, we’ve taken our first steps toward making it...

Team Foundation ServerTFS 2012